TVIW 2014 Agenda

Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014
8 AMBreakfast on your own
9 AM - 12 PM"Terraforming 101" taught by Ken Roy PE
3 PDH credits
12 PM - 1 PMLunch on your own
1 PM - 4 PM"Space Propulsion 101" taught by Les Johnson
3 PDH credits
5 PM - till ?Reception, sponsored by Baen Books and Ultimax Group Inc

Monday, Nov. 10, 2014
7:30 AMContinental Breakfast (Provided)
8 AM - 6 PMPoster Sessions
8 AM - 9 AM Introduction and Orientation by general chair Mr. Les Johnson;

Keynote Speaker: "The Search for Earth 2.0" by Dr. Sara Seagarr of MIT
9 AM - 10 AM"Key Issues for Sailships" by Dr. Jim Benford

"There’s Nothing Like a Little (Biomedical) Science … in Space!" by Dr. Robert Hampson aka "Speaker to Lab Animals"
10 AM - 11 AM"Challenges to Man’s Existence Beyond the Earth: I. Gravity Concerns in Long Duration Human Spaceflight" by Mr. Fred Sloop of ORNL

"Technological Capabilities and Interstellar Travel: Can an Individual Build a Starship One Day?" by Mr. Andreas Hein of Icarus Interstellar and Technische Universitaet Munchen
11 AM - 12 PM"Frontiers of Radio Astronomy and SETI" by Drs. H. Paul Shuch of the SETI League & David Fields of Tamke-Allan Observatory

"Lacking Tools, Information, and Hope: The Results of the First Attempts in Colonization and Exploration in La Florida and Later Improvements" by Dr. Robert "Sam" Lightfoot of South Georgia College
12 PMBuffet Lunch (Provided)
1 PM - 2 PM"Revisiting the Physics of Inertial Frames – A Space Drive Prerequisite" by Mr. Marc Millis of Tau Zero Foundation

"A Construction Scenario for O'Neill Cylinder Space Settlement Habitats" by Dr. Gordon Woodcock of L5
2 PM - 4 PM"A-for-Aero/Astro" space-sciences-oriented workshop track, block 1:
Dr. Donna Dulo, JD, of Naval Postgraduate School, and
Mr. Michel Lamontagne, P.Eng., of Icarus Interstellar, featuring:
"Systems and Software Safety / Security Engineering for Interstellar Space Missions" (Dulo), followed by a half-hour of structured discussion with Track A's participants,
"An interplanetary village, 10 000 people in a can" (Lamontagne), followed by a half-hour of structured discussion.
Objectives of this track (draft): The goal is this workshop track is for the participants to target safety issues for interstellar ships and define the resilient crew responses required to overcome these concerns, then submit a paper for publication within six month of the Workshop.
"B-for-Bio" life-sciences-oriented workshop track, block 1:
"Evolution's Pace in Very Small Ecosystems like the Worldship" (working title),
Ms. Cassidy Cobbs of Vanderbilt Univ. Abbot Labs,
Dr. Robert Hampson of Wake Forest Univ. Med School, and
Dr. Chris Welch of Int'l Space Univ., Strasbourg, France
Objectives of this track: We will examine accelerated evolution, genetic drift, bottlenecks, etc. in small ecosystems and artificial environments, in order to prepare a set of order-of-magnitude numbers (e.g., worldship mass, number of species, mutation rate, biodiversity index) to inform and support ISU's 2015 Worldship project. The product will lead to a paper to be published in the next nine months.
Agenda for Block 1:
"20-Minute Primer on Evolutionary Biology" by Ms. Cobbs
followed by 40 minutes of structured discussion
"20-Minute Primer on the Worldship Concept and Needs for ISU's Project" by Dr. Welch
followed by 40 minutes of structured discussion.
"C-for-Commo" social-sciences-oriented workshop track, block 1:
"Language as Reality: A Near-Term Roadmap for Exploiting Opportunities and Natural Experiments Here on Terra Firma to Inform *C*ETI" (working title),
Dr. Robert "Sam" Lightfoot of South Georgia College,
Dr. H. Paul Shuch of the SETI League, and
Objectives of this track. The goal of this track is given by the title of this track. Research and publishing to continue beyond the Third Workshop.
"D-for-Design" engineering-oriented workshop track, block 1:
"Near-Term and Far-Term Concepts for Travelling at Interstellar Ranges: A Parallel Design Workshop",
co-leaders Mr. Andreas Hein and Mr. Rob Swinney of the Initiative for Interstellar Studies (I4IS), UK
Objectives of this track: team competition to reverse-engineer a few famous interstellar vessels from science fiction literature.
4 PM - 5 PM"Ground-To-Orbit Fusion Propulsion System for Achieving Commercial Interplanetary Space Travel" by Dr. Michael Minovitch formerly of JPL,

"Wormholes: From Einstein-Rosen to Heinlein to Thorne" by Dr. Al Jackson of JSC and Lunar & Planetary Inst.
5 PMBuffet Dinner, sponsored by Digital Oilfield Solutions
8 PM - till ?Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Session: unstructured continuation of "A-for-Aero/Astro" space sci. track
Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Session: unstructured continuation of "B-for-Bio" life sci. track
Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Session: unstructured continuation of "C-for-Commo" soc.sci. track
Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Session: unstructured continuation of "D-for-Design" engineering track

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014
7:30 AMContinental Breakfast (Provided)
8 AM - 6 PMPoster Sessions
8 AM - 9 AM"Space Solar Power: A (Mostly) Commercial Path to the Stars" by John Mankins of Artemis Innovations

"Starfleet Deferred: Project Orion in the USAF Space Plan 1962" by Dr. Brent Ziarnick, MAJ USAF.
9 AM - 11 AM"A-for-Aero/Astro" space-sciences-oriented workshop track, block 2:
structured discussion continues
co-leaders Dulo / Lamontagne
"B-for-Bio" life-sciences-oriented workshop track, block 2:
structured discussion continues
co-leaders Cobbs / Hampson / Welch
"C-for-Commo" social-sciences-oriented workshop track, block 2:
structured discussion continues
co-leaders Lightfoot / Shuch
"D-for-Design" engineering-oriented workshop track, block 2:
team design exercises continue
co-leaders Hein / Swinney
11 AM - 12 PM"Vision of Space and NASA in 2050 and 2100" by Ms. Amy Sivak of NASA MSFC

"Project Icarus, an Update" by Mr. Rob Swinney of I4IS
12 PMBuffet Lunch (Provided)
1 PM - 2 PM"Ultra Lightweight Probes to Catalyze Major Interstellar Progress" by Dr. John Rather of RCIG

"Laser Sail Propulsion Beyond the Solar System – Extrapolation from Current High Energy Laser Technology" by Mr. Edward "Sandy" Montgomery
2 PM - 3 PM"A-for-Aero/Astro" workshop track, block 3:
first hour: continuation of structured discussion & preparation of reporting slide.
"B-for-Bio" workshop track, block 3:
first hour: continuation of structured discussion & preparation of reporting slide.
"C-for-Commo" workshop track, block 3:
first hour: continuation of structured discussion & preparation of reporting slide.
"D-for-Design" workshop track, block 3:
first hour: continuation of team competition & preparation of team designs on slides.
3 PM - 4 PMsliding walls open to plenary session for reporting out of interesting results
A: results of space-sciences-oriented track reported out by co-leaders Dulo / Lamontagne
B: results of life-sciences-oriented track reported out by co-leaders Cobbs / Hampson / Welch
C: results of social-sciences-oriented track reported out by co-leaders Lightfoot / Shuch
D: teams' designs reported out by co-leaders Hein / Swinney.
4 PM - 5 PM"Firefly Icarus: An Unmanned Interstellar Probe Utilizing Z-Pinch Propulsion" by Mr. Robert Freeland of Icarus Interstellar

"An Interstellar Sail Before 2020" and closing remarks, by Mr. Les Johnson, general chair
5 PMDinner (On Your Own)
7 PM - 11 PMPublic Outreach STEM Event with a Panel of SF Authors & Publishers
Sarah Hoyt and Dan Hoyt - Tony Daniel - Toni Weisskopf - Les Johnson - Paul Gilster

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014
8 AMBreakfast on your own
9 AM - 12 PMLocal Tours of Big Science: Spallation Neutron Source (New) followed by
Graphite Reactor (Old)
If you want to go, you must sign up for the tour by October 22!
12 PMTVIW 2014 Concludes. Have a Safe Trip Home!
1 PM - 5 PM?some of us will catch the matinee showing of the movie "Interstellar"
5 PM - till ?"Dead Dog" session for the Organizing-Steering-Program Committee(s)

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