Sponsors of The Power of Synergy


For this special meeting, we have special Sponsor Levels, as follow, with sponsorship at the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) level and above receiving a complimentary registration. (Once early registration is over on August 1, 2018, the minimum sponsorship level for a complimentary registration rises to the Medium Earth Orbit level.) Sponsors at the Martian level and above will receive extra benefits (negotiated individually):




$ 100.00


$ 200.00

Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

$ 500.00

Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)

$ 1,000.00


$ 2,500.00


$ 5,000.00


$ 10,000.00

Solar System

$ 15,000.00


$ 25,000.00


Please make your contribution payable to

“TVIW Power of Synergy”
Dean Hartley, Treasurer
106 Windsong Ln
Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Notable Sponsors to date:

  1. John D. G. Rather, Martian
  2. Gray Mayes, Lunar

  3.  SPACE Canada, Lunar
  4. TVIW, Geo-Stationary

  5. Linda Fippin, Geo-Stationary
  6.  Imperia Innovations, Medium Earth Orbit
  7.  Starship VLOG, Medium Earth Orbit
  8.  Orion, Low Earth Orbit

  9. Westley W. Singer, D.D.S., Low Earth Orbit

  10.  MontTech, LLC, Low Earth Orbit

  11.  Hartley Consulting, Low Earth Orbit

  12. John Preston, Low Earth Orbit

  13.  NAI, Low Earth Orbit

  14. Bill Carnes, Low Earth Orbit
  15. Paul Gilster, Low Earth Orbit
  16.  Baen Books, Low Earth Orbit
  17. Changhe Huang, Low Earth Orbit

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