IRG’s 8th Interstellar Symposium, in collaboration with the International Academy of Astronautics and Breakthrough Initiatives, took place in Montreal, QC, Canada at McGill University.
MU, IAA, and IRG hosted a symposium highlighting the prospects for international cooperation in the development of technologies enabling long-distance space travel. Through this cooperation, the IAA’s long-standing history of supporting space sciences, life sciences, technology, and system development was applied to interstellar travel and habitation. This symposium featured many of the leading voices in space exploration, culture, and more.
The 8th Interstellar Symposium took place from Monday July 10 to Thursday July 13, with pre-symposium seminars held on Sunday July 9. Full recordings from the program will be released August 25th, 2023.

Check back for sneak peaks or sign up for our mailing list for updates!
Interstellar Travel: Are We Ready?
Whether you are regular participant to the Interstellar Symposium, or just curious about space travel, you are invited to watch the recorded sessions from the symposium’s major public event: we are assembling a panel of aerospace experts to discuss the challenges of interstellar exploration. The event was public, free, and accessible to all regardless of background knowledge.
Registration was required for non-symposium participants to attend the in person event, while symposium participants were automatically registered.

Pre-Symposium Seminars: Continuing Education Credit Opportunities!
Professional Engineer or another profession that requires Continuing Education credits, joined for in-depth discussions on Space Law, Martian Agriculture, The Future of Space Force, and Self-Replication Technology.
Seminars award continuing education credits and were not part of the main Symposium program. Registration for these seminars was independent from Symposium participation.
Special Presentations
Plenary Speakers
Science Fiction Author Panel

In the Light of Other Suns
The 8th Interstellar Symposium took place from Monday July 10 to Thursday July 13, with pre-symposium seminars held on Sunday July 9.
Full recordings from the program will be released August 25th, 2023.
We offered two tours on Thursday afternoon to close out the Symposium. Some attendees visited the headquarters of the Canadian Space Agency, or experienced an hour-long stay aboard the International Space Station in virtual reality.
Canadian Space Agency Headquarters

Tour of the headquarters accompanied by CSA employees, including the mission control room, Canadarm training facilities, robotics lab, and the indoor and outdoor rover yards.
Space Explorers: THE INFINITE

Hour-long VR exhibit putting you in the suit of an astronaut on the International Space Station. High resolution 360° footage captured aboard the ISS promises a breathtaking experience of life in orbit.
Montreal Travel Guide
Montreal is a bustling tourist destination in the summer, so there is no shortage of things to see and do while you are attending the Symposium. Visit landmarks such as St-Joseph’s Oratory, Mount Royal or the Old Port. Explore the city’s culinary scene with a food tour, or take part in one of many sightseeing tours running through the city.