
A Welcome to TVIW 2017 by Les Johnson

B Welcome to TVIW 2017 by James Benford

1 Are We Alone?

2 Breakthrough Starshot System Model

3 The Starshot Propulsion System

4 Our First Starships: Sailships for Starshot

5 Data Return from Starshot Probes

6 A Dispersion Analysis of Small Scale Spacecraft Interstellar Trajectories

6 B Evaluation of Dust Impacts on Interstellar Vehicles

7 A Lessons for Interstellar Travel from the G&C Design of the NEA Scout Solar Sail Mission

7 B A Science Driven Mission Concept to an Exoplanet

8 About That Grant "Breakthrough Propulsion Study"

9 Transportation for a Self Supporting CisLunar Economy

10 Missions Enabled by Plasma Magnet Sails

11 Trapping Charged Particles

12 Antimatter Fuel Production

13 Measurements and Methods

14 A Fission Fragment Rocket

14 B The Problem of Alien Life

15 A Direct Fusion Drive for Interstellar Missions

15 B Conflict Prevention in Isolated World Ship Societies

16 A Virtue and the Interstellar Enterprise

16 B Preliminary Analysis of the Deformed Shape of an Inflated Spherical Light Sail

17 The Search for Ourselves Among the Stars

Pass the Torch Lecture with Dr Andrew Siemion

18 Leadership Panel, Pete Klupar, Moderator

19 Achieving Interstellar Capability