2025 – Austin, Texas

Distant Worlds, Neighboring Opportunities

This theme evokes the fact that while truly interstellar missions remain an aspirational goal, all steps that we take now can have far-reaching effects by coloring our immediate challenges.

Just as habitat engineering studies have benefits for improving living in harsh earth environments; studies of culture, law, art, and governance here on earth will have lasting impacts on crewed interstellar missions.

We want to underscore how the breadth of the human experience will determine the success of our expansion to Distant Worlds and stars beyond. Neighboring opportunities reminds us that space is for all.

The Call for Papers is here!

The symposium’s objective is to foster an exchange on various aspects of interstellar travel, including human and robotic exploration, power systems, communications, system reliability, psychology, crew health, anthropology, legal regimes, ethics, propulsion, potential destinations (including exoplanet research), life support systems, and habitats.

The symposium will include Special Sessions, Keynote Lectures, Working Tracks, Seminars, science fiction author engagement, as well as an art exhibition.

Download the Call for Papers Booklet for more information

You can submit your abstract now! Submit abstracts to registrar@irg.space



For the 9th Interstellar Symposium, The Interstellar Research Group is proud to partner with the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Planetary Systems Habitability.

This is an amazing opportunity to showcase the talent that the state of Texas has to offer the interstellar community and our development goals.

We are excited to announce our collaboration with the International Academy of Aeronautics for the 2025 IRG Symposium!

For more than 60 years, the IAA has pioneered space, uniting the world’s leading experts in astronautics to tackle groundbreaking challenges, recognize achievements, and provide direction for the peaceful exploration and use of space. By advancing global collaboration and innovation, IAA promotes international cooperation across all space-related fields and supports equitable access to space for all nations, for the benefit of humanity.


Coming Soon!

Registration Annoucement

Austin, Texas Travel & Tour Guide

9th Interstellar Symposium Program

Keynote Speakers

Special Presentations

Plenary Speakers

We are looking forward to seeing you in October 2025 from the 12th to the 15th at the 9th Interstellar Symposium being held at AT&T Conference Center in Austin, Texas.